I have missed doing Dear So and So and Random thought Tuesday, so I am going to do them both at the same time. I'm not going to hunt down the pictures. I'm feeling too lazy. We can call this adventures in air travel.
Random airport thoughts:As you go down the escalator to baggage claim at LAS there is a big poster advertising some show that Bette Midler (sp?) is doing somewhere in Vegas. I didn't pay much attention to the details. I was too distracted. I think they put her head on someone else's body. Either that or she has a really big head.
I'm thinking about starting the air travel diet. Seriously, you walk FOREVER, and you don't eat very much because you don't have time. I was sitting next to some ladies that packed sandwiches because they knew their layover wasn't going to be long enough to get food. I wonder how they got those sandwiches through security, or are sandwiches ok?
Dear So and So airport edition:Dear midwestern airlines,
You made me cry at the airport where millions of people could see me, but you gave me free tickets and meal vouchers. I guess we are even.
Thanks for a really long day,
the crying girl with the broken flip flop
Dear me,
Packing that extra pair of flip flop was absolutely brilliant.
You are so smart!
yes I know
Dear Real Food Company,
I thought you said pickles, onions. I said sure why not. It turns at you said pickled onions, which was way better. Can I have the recipe?
craving so more,
not going to Houston just for pickled onions
Well, I feel better now. I'm sure I left you all wondering what the heck happened to me. Just know, I survived the airport fiasco, and the lady behind me in the ticketing line was right. I will totally laugh about this some day.